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October 1, 2009

Come visit us at booth J05 at the New York Art Book Fair!
The fair opens tonight with a benefit preview for Printed Matter,
featuring live performances by I.U.D. and Silk Flowers.
We are pleased to announce the launch of five new zines by
Melissa Ip, Sara Clendening, Maxwell Krivitzky, Amy Yao,
and Nick Mauss during the fair.
On Saturday at 2pm, we will be releasing all of the new zines
out of a piñata (custom made by Slow and Steady Wins the
Race) in the lobby. Please join us for that. The first person
to spill the goods wins a free set of the new zines!
P.S.1 Contemporary Art Center
22-25 Jackson Ave at the intersection of 46th Ave
Long Island City, NY 11101 (map)
Friday/Saturday, October 2 & 3, 2009, 11am - 7pm
Sunday, October 4, 2009, 11am - 5pm
The NY Art Book Fair is FREE and open to the public.
August 17, 2009
+++++++++++++GONE FISHING!+++++++++++++

We will be closed for inventory starting August 17th, and
will reopen on Tuesday, August 25th. See you next week!
August 7, 2009
+++++++++++MOTHERWELL ONE!+++++++++++++
Please join us this Sunday evening for the launch of Motherwell!

June 18, 2009
+++++++++++HAPPY BIRTHDAY AMY!+++++++++++++
Finally unveiled! 6 new releases from Teenage Teardrops!
Please join us to celebrate the release of:
3 new 12"s by Nick Dewitt, Lucky Dragons & Infinite Body,
2 new t-shirts for the summer,
and one new zine!
Performances will take place, and tunes by DJ Eddie Ruscha!

June 12, 2009
+++++++++++PIZZA PIZZA PARTY!+++++++++++++++
Come out tomorrow night for a pizza party at the shop!
Featuring a performance by:
Queens/Scott Mou (Jane/Paw Tracks/Other Music)
& tunes by DJ Lil' Nate!
And of course, vegan beer-crust pizza by Jeremy!
this Saturday, June 13th, 6-8pm in the Ooga Booga courtyard!
Scott Mou is a musician and DJ from New York, who performs
as Queens, as well as in Jane, a band he has with Panda Bear
from Animal Collective. He will be playing a short set and DJ'ing
some tunes for us this evening, along with Lil' Nate!

June 10, 2009
++++++++++++NEW SITE & BLOG!+++++++++++++++
We are pleased to announce a new site we created as a
resource page for people interested in independent art book
publishing, see it here (click).

Also! We have made a new blog page that's hopefully more
casual and more frequently updated than this news page!
See it here (click):

June 2, 2009
++++++++++++PARTY THURSDAY!+++++++++++++++
Please join us this Thursday evening June 4, 7-9pm as we
celebrate the launch of Brendan Fowler's new book,
ISBN-10: 0-9820559-3-5!!!!! Tunes and refreshments provided!

May 16, 2009
++++++++++++PARTY TUESDAY!+++++++++++++++
Please join us this Tuesday evening May 19th, 7-9pm for the
launch of Kingsboro Press issue #5! Tunes by Jim Smith!
Everyone is welcome! For more info click these words....

March 30, 2009
++++++++++++PARTY WEDNESDAY!+++++++++++++++

December 22, 2008
++++++++++++HOLIDAY HOURS!+++++++++++++++
Monday Dec. 22nd from 12-7pm!
Tuesday Dec. 23rd from 12-8pm!
Wednesday Dec. 24th from 12-3pm!
Thursday Dec. 25th CLOSED!
Friday Dec. 26th CLOSED!
Saturday Dec. 27th 12-7pm (back to normal)!
+++++++++DECEMBER INSTALLATIONS!++++++++++++
Don't forget to come by and see our December shop
installations while they're still up!
+SECONDARY MARKET come to our temporary project room
and buy some of the awesome stuff for sale gathered by Art
Since the Summer of '69!
+JOSH BLACKWELL awesome window of yarn-stitched
+DISTRIBUTED GALLERY tom moody's telic video installation
hidden in the shop, where's waldo style! All up in here, but
not for long! :) :) :)
December 9, 2008
+++++++++++++FRIDAY PARTY!+++++++++++++++
Please join us this Friday evening 7-9pm for the opening of
Secondary Market, by Art Since the Summer of 1969!!!!!!!!
It's a collection of paintings, sculptures and art ephemera
bought from eBay. Everything is for sale. Open until we sell
There will also be a new window by Josh Blackwell &
performance by Cory Arcangel! All curated by Hanne Mugaas!
Tunes by DJ Ashland Mines!
And the debut of Hanne's calendar "Cute Even in the Dark"!
Free and everyone welcome, as always!

November 27, 2008
++++++++++++SALE STARTS FRIDAY!++++++++++++

If you like clothing and you like sales, you'll love this Friday!
Up to 30% off on our clothes and accessories in store and
online! Opening Ceremony, Bless, Mociun, Oumi, Susan Cianciolo,
Pudel, Diana Orving, & more!
Chhhhhhhhhhheck it out!
+++++++++ DEXTER SINISTER AT OB! +++++++++
Come by and visit the temporary residence of Dexter Sinister
at Ooga Booga! Dexter Sinister is our favorite occasional
basement bookstore and just-in-time publishing workshop
based in NYC's Lower East Side, run by Stuart Bailey, David
Reinfurt, and Sarah Crowner! Now through December 8th!

+++++++++++AMY YAO ART IN WINDOW!++++++++++
We have artwork by Amy Yao on display in the window! Now
thru the 8th!!! Come and check out her new zines too!

November 1, 2008
++++++++++++COME TO JOSHUA TREE!++++++++++++
Next weekend it's Andrea Zittel's annual High Desert Test Sites
as part of the California Biennial, and featuring our fourth-annual
Art Swap Meet (hosted by Amy & Wendy Yao)!
Please come! Camp out or book a room, have a hike, check out
the site-specific artworks and performances, and come to our booths!

October 23, 2008
++++++++++++BIG APPLE ART BOOK FAIR!++++++++++++
We're pretty excited because the New York Art Book Fair opens
tonight and we're happy to have a booth in it!

The NY Art Book fair is Printed Matter's annual fair of contemporary
art books, art catalogs, artists' books, art periodicals, and zines offered for
sale by over 140 international publishers, booksellers, and antiquarian dealers.
Admission to the fair is FREE! Everyone is welcome.
We're in Booth Y3! Come find us and say hello!
We will have items for sale by:
Shannon Ebner, Sarah Ra Ra, Sede, Sara Clendening, Calvin Johnson, Dash
Snow, Ree Morton, Raymond Pettibon, B'L'ing, Nick Relph, Mended Veil, Ari
Marcopoulos, Susan Cianciolo, Mylinh Trieu Nguyen, Andrew Kuo, Oliver Payne,
Slavs & Tatars, Eden Batki, Mehdi Hercberg, Tauba Auerbach & more!
We will also have two special events during the fair:
+Saturday at 5:30pm:
Artist Terence Koh will be writing "secret love poems" for sale at our booth,
you can buy one for $10 each!
+Sunday at 2:00pm:
B'L'ing video trading! B’L’ing is a traveling trading post that screens and
exchanges bootleg video art and rare media. Everyone is encouraged to
bring videos and participate in the exchange. Dig deep and bring your best.
Popcorn McJack will be present to sign fanzines & posters!
+more surprises! come by and visit!
Ooga Booga at Booth Y3
The New York Art Book Fair
October 23-26 (Thursday through Sunday)
in the Phillips de Pury Building
450 West 15th Street (at 10th Ave.)
3rd floor, NYC
Fair Hours:
Thursday October 23: 6pm-9pm, preview night, $20 ticket benefits Printed Matter!
Friday October 24: 11am-7pm, free!
Saturday October 25: 11am-7pm, free!
Sunday, October 26, 11am-5pm, free!
This event also coincides with the Contemporary Artists Books Conference this week in NY!
for more information please visit:
October 15, 2008
++++++++++++WEEKEND DOUBLE-HEADER!++++++++++++
Please join us Friday evening at a reception for designer Mary Ping of Slow and Steady Wins the Race. She has a special installation at Ooga Booga that will run from October 17-31!

+Friday evening 7-10pm in Ooga Booga courtyard! Tunes by DJ Anh Do!
For more info:
+This event is part of Chinatown's fashion-themed night:

++++++++++++INTERROBANG #5 LAUNCH!++++++++++++
Come out Saturday night for the launch of Sharon Cheslow's long-running
publication, Interrobang?!
Words & performances by Sharon Cheslow and Steve Touchton (of XBXRX, Snowsuit), and DJ Gabie Strong! Raw vegan snacks by Crops & Rawbers!!

Interrobang #5 features contributions by:
Liz Alibi, Erika Anderson, Bill Berkson, Sharon Cheslow, Cynthia Connolly,
Shaila Dewan, Alan Licht, Ian MacKaye, Kevin Mattson, Pauline Oliveros,
Anna Oxygen, Janet Sarbanes, Jean Smith, Matthew Wascovich, Sara Wintz.
For more info:
August 7, 2008
+++++++++++++++4 YEARS ALREADY!+++++++++++++++
Come to our four-year anniversary party this Sunday!

Music by: Usun (Hisham of Soft Circle, Rob from High Places, Luke and Sarah of Lucky Dragons, Mark Borthwick, and Dave Aron), and Bow Ribbons, from NY! And DJ Jessica Espeleta!
New window artwork by Ashley Macomber and Deanna Templeton in collaboration!
This Sunday August 10th, 5-8pm, in the Ooga Booga courtyard. Free and everyone welcome!
July 28, 2008
++++++++++PUBLISH AND BE DAMNED!++++++++++++
If you're in London this Sunday August 3rd, please come visit our project room at the awesome Publish and Be Damned book fair! It's a one-day event dedicated to artist self-publishing and we're very excited to bring our goods out there and participate! Other participants include: Lux Film Archive, Poppy Books, Facehug, Donald Urquhart, Pablo Bronstein, mono.kultur, Pork Salad Press, and tons more!
London, we know you've been mail-ordering tons from us, so come out and support! Click for more info...
Publish and Be Damned, August 3rd, 12pm-6pm
at Rochelle School (in Arnold Circus, Shoreditch)

++++++++++++++MORE NEW STUFF!+++++++++++++++++
If you're not in London, come visit our real shop, or web shop and check out our recent arrivals, including new items by Frances Stark, The Carrots, Semiotext(e), Steve Dore, Sumi Ink Club, Mociun, and so many more! Plus the exciting release of Raymond Pettibon's new zine "The Major Arteries," which he made for us!
July 1, 2008
++++++++++FOURTH OF JULY SPECTACULAR!++++++++++++

Please join us for our 4th of July party this Friday afternoon 3-7pm!
With music by:
Tony aka Teenage Moms (members of Mika Miko & Finally Punk!)
All Neon Like (members of Vomit Bomb!)
DJ Heather Gram (who makes those awesome Wipers shirts in our shop!)
+window installation by LittleChan (Jasmine Little & Jamie Chan!)
+vegan hot dog bbq by Kate Hall & Jennifer Clavin!
Free and everyone welcome, always!! In the Ooga Booga courtyard!

++++++++++++++++CLOTHING SALE EXTENDED!++++++++++++++
PS— some of our clothes are on sale! We've extended the sale to this month
too! Up to 60% off starting Friday!! Opening Ceremony, Bless, Anntian & more!
AND—we have new summer styles in, by Mociun, Keep, etc.! Check it out!
+++++++++++++++++THE OTHER CHI-TOWN++++++++++++++++
What else...oh!
If you are in Chicago this week, our "sister" store Golden Age (owned by our ex-intern Martine!) is having their 4th of July party concurrent with ours!! What can I say...E.S.P.! Please go and support them!

10 , 2008
Come celebrate Friday the 13th with Pocahaunted
(their last west coast show for six months!) and Metal Rouge and DJ Dean
Spunt! Plus affordable raw vegan treats and sweets by Crops and Rawbers
(Amanda and Diva)!!!
Free, everyone welcome! This Friday 7-10pm!

Also! We will be on sale throughout this month
on selected clothing items! Up to 40% off Opening Ceremony, Anntian, Bless,
and more!
23 , 2008
Please join us this Sunday evening 6-8pm for
the launch of Oliver Payne's new zine, Safe Crackers!!!!
This will be the debut of issues 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and each issue is
narrowly focused on topics such as The Wire, Hot Chip, Wolfboy,
Growing, and Rei Kawakubo!
We will also unveil the newest window installation by Joe Denardo of Growing,
along with DJ tunes by Hot Chip! Free and everyone welcome always!
LIBRARY REDUX!+++++++++++++++
Thanks to all who came out and visited the Nieves library! More
pics to be posted soon...

PLUNKETT !++++++++++++
to former Ooga Booga intern Megan Plunkett on her awesome senior art show!!!!
And double-congrats to her because she just completed the second issue
of her awesome magazine Kingsboro Press, available here of course!

March 4, 2008
We're excited to announce an exhibition of Swiss
art publisher Nieves at Ooga Booga this month! Inside our shop we will
be showing all of their books and zines,
and in our temporary annex across the hall, we have
a zine reading room where you can check out rare and out of print titles
by many Nieves-related artists. These books are all from the publisher's
personal archives in Zurich, and will be on view until April 3rd. And
signings by L.A. Nieves artists in the shop every Thursday. Please come!
We are having the opening reception this Thursday March 6th, 7-10pm in
the Ooga Booga courtyard, with the release of two new zines and a signing
by Geoff McFetridge. Music by Silver Daggers (plus special guest) and
DJ Brendan Fowler. Free, everyone welcome!!

WRAP UP!+++++++++++++++++
Sorry for the recently meager updates! This past winter has kept
us busy and haggard...but in a good way. Anyhow here's a little roundup
of all the events we had over the holidays up until now...!
3 Release!+++++++++++++++++
In November we had a launch party for issue #3 of Javier Peres'
Daddy magazine, w/ All Neon Like & DJ Will Stangeland...

+++++++++++++++NDP 4 Reception!+++++++++++++++++
A week later, we had a launch reception for North Drive Press #4!
Congrats to Matt Keegan and Sara Greenberger-Rafferty for another great
box of treats!

Miami Water Tent!++++++++++++++++
Soon afterward, we went to Miami to participate in the publications
tent of the NADA art fair! It was another new experience for us, and it
was awesome to be sharing the space with some of our fave publications
from around the world. (Check out the pic in front of Versace's old mansion!!)

++++++++++Swedish Pom ANP Vigoda Party!!++++++++++++
Upon returning from Miami we had a holiday party to celebrate many
things—for instance our Jesse Spears pom pom window, the launch
of ANP Quarterly issue 9, and Abe Vigoda live...all with Swedish snacks
made by our intern Ola (aka Salty and the Swede catering)! The spiced
glogg was deliche—thanks Ola!

LA Santa Monica!++++++++++++++++
After surviving the floods of Miami, we felt like old hands at
this art fair biz and took on our next one...Art LA! It was super fun
to have a different space within our own city and met alot of cool lokes!
Thanks Tim Fleming!

Attack !+++++++++++++++++++
In the midst of Art LA, we also opened an art show within our shop
(above the t-shirt rack) for the John Riepenhoff Experience. It was the
debut solo sculpture show for Sara Clendening!

and inside the box....

l to r: tower of power, screw u, gold card. all by
snacky c (pictured below w/ riepenhoff)!

Ok, that about wraps up our winter report...and a fond farewell
this month to our awesome neighboring gallery Jack Hanley Los Angeles,
thanks for das memories!
FOR US!+++++++++++++++++
Wanna be an intern?
We're taking applications if you're interested in helping out with basic
shop stuff and special store projects, 6-25 hours per week. If this sounds
appealing to you, please click for info.
OUT OUR WEBSHOP!+++++++++++++
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front page>